Sunday, March 7, 2010


This film created very interesting effects with lighting, lighting up certain parts of the shot more than others and using interesting blur transitions.

An example of interesting blurring of the lights is at the beginning

From Jasmine's Film Blog

The shot starts off with both of the characters in an embrace in lighting focuses solely on them, making them stick out from the back ground of bridge lights. Then the focus fades out slowly, taking away that effect. The lighting was really nice and professional looking, and it really emphasized the couple and their intimacy from the beginning of the movie. It also set up their urban environment, making their relationship appear chic and appealing. The focus fade sort of shows how the man is now out of that dream world, back to the normal world.

From Jasmine's Film Blog

The lighting that is placed on the flowers is really rich and "sunny" in comparison to the background of pitch black. This is a very nice effect, because the stark contrast makes the viewer focus on the light part and understand how the man is yearning to come from the darkness into the "shiny" part of the night time with the woman in the "shiny" dress.

From Jasmine's Film Blog

The effects of the lighting on the cityscape are also amazing, especially in this picture, for the man has a very nice lighting on him that makes him stick out from the city at dusk, but the city is not totally in the dark either, for, though it is not in focus, it is still partially lighted and has a nice contrast to the man. Again, the focus on the man against the city adds a nice cosmopolitan, chic image to the film.

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