Logline: A girl is haunted by her watery past.
A girl is eating dinner in her parents house. We circle around, looking at the empty chair at the table, Worms' eyes view up the chair; look at the family. Complete silence. Her mother suddenly brings up, "So, its been 10 years since, your brother ..." "Yeah mom, I know! Tsk, And we still don't know who killed him..." the girl responds as she looks down to the side. Her parents look at each other.
Sound bridge, water drips as screen goes black. Close up shot of the girl sleeping, then flinching and suddenly waking up to turn off the dripping faucet. She gets up to turn it off, floor creaks. We see her footsteps in close up. She looks in the mirror fearfully.We see the faucet in close-up as she bends over to turn it off. She looks up, back in the mirror and sees her brother behind her, his hair dripping and him pale, and screams. She looks back and he's not there. The mirror is fogged over, in writing there is "Tell Them" or "Tell the Truth." Footsteps sound, mother opens the door and asks, "Did you have another nightmare?". The girl looks back at the mirror, now clear of fog, and says "Yes" as the screen goes black.
Long shot of a pool with the family enjoying itself, and the father saying "Its okay to let your self have a little fun again." She eases herself into the pool and wades out into the middle of the water. She suddenly starts to be pulled down by her brother, triggering her flashbacks to the day he drowned. She remembers playfully pushing him in, but then he begins to flail in the water and she just watches him. Intercut between the brother flailing and the girl being pulled down into the water by her brother. In the flashback, the girl only watches her brother drown. Flash to the present, we see her drowning, but with out her brother pulling her down. Flash to black and show her brother drowning her again. Finally have an extreme close up of her face as she yells, "I killed him!" Flash again, camera looking down at her brother decending into the water in the past and then to the present looking up from the water towards the light with her father bringing her up.
The end.
The genre influences are mainly in the horror genre. The horror genre often depicts characters who are terrorized by some being that that is intending to harm them. The victims are often innocent of any major crimes, but there is also when the victims are the victims of revenge for a maldeed that they did in the past. The later is more like the main character in our story. The girl did not mean to kill her brother, but she is still haunted by his memory, literally.
As far as setting goes, the unsuspecting, quaint setting is important to the genre, for it leaves the viewer with the idea "Something is going to go wrong." The home is a pretty quaint place, but it will have eerie qualities, such as the pictures of the brother and the empty place setting (not like a plate set everynight; the parents don't really need to be as neurotic as the sister). It is also is important to mention the potential creepiness of the water in the setting, for it can always drip and it can represent death, but also life, like with the light reflecting on the water. The conflict is influenced in the way that the characters are plagued by a supernatural being who is haunting them and making them weak, using their natural weaknesses to the advantage of the evil being.
The themes of the lasting guilt of sin, even if unintentional, as well as the potential for redemption when telling the truth.
The machinist and Saw, as well as some of those black box short films will influence our visual style and perhaps the structure of the narrative. In Saw it is interesting how they use a green tint throughout much of the 4th movie, and a blue tint in the ending of the 1st movie. The use of these tints is very creepy, and think that this could work with how there is a major water motif in our movie.

The blue tint makes the frame look very sparse and helps create a sense of fear and apprehension in the viewer.

Very creepy looking scene; could be good for showing a moment of realization, but I prefer a blue tint for our movie.

A character that has been tortured by her past like the character in the machinist is very important, for our character has now forgotten that she killed her brother in the past, but she is still tortured by that past, whether she knows her transgression or not.

The blue tint makes the frame look very sparse and helps create a sense of fear and apprehension in the viewer.

Very creepy looking scene; could be good for showing a moment of realization, but I prefer a blue tint for our movie.

A character that has been tortured by her past like the character in the machinist is very important, for our character has now forgotten that she killed her brother in the past, but she is still tortured by that past, whether she knows her transgression or not.
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